Radiant Solutions Heat Tape Products
Buying Guide

Heat Tape for Metal Roofs
Heat Tape Pro is the Best Option for All Metal Roof Types
There are many different types of metal roof systems used in North America and all of them get affected by ice dams. Heat Tape PRO™ is UL Listed for use on all of them. There are many heat tape brands being used that are NOT approved for metal roofs so this is an important distinction. Heat Tape PRO™ can come in direct contact with any metal surface without risk of shorting out or causing damage to the surface below. When used with our extensive ecosystem of installation roof clips, Heat Tape PRO™ is unmatched when it comes to ice dam prevention on metal roof systems.
Choosing Installation Clips
In order to select the clips you’ll need, you first need to identify what type of metal roof you have. Although there are dozens of different styles, metal roofs can be divided roughly into two broad categories: Exposed Fastener and Hidden Fastener.
What type of Metal Roof do You Have?
Standing Seam
Standing Seam Roofs are Hidden Fastener Metal Roofs that require clips/clamps to be mounted on raised seams.
Corrugated Metal
Corrugated Roofs are Exposed Fastener Metal Roofs with an angled or rounded wave profile, that Require rounded clips to mount on ridges.
Need help figuring it out?
Answer this simple question:
Can you see a bunch of screws on your roof?

1. Yes, I see screws...
You have what is commonly called a Corrugated Metal roof. Inside the corrugated metal roof family there are many different panel profile styles but fortunately there are only a couple heat cable clips from which to choose.
2. No, I don't see screws...
You most likely have a standing seam metal roof. There are dozens of different styles of standing seam metal roofs and we have developed heat cable roof clips to work with just about every one of them.